Supplier Finance

Unlock value along your supply-chain through TASConnect’s pre-to-post shipment solution.

TASConnect’s platform-based supplier finance solution allows corporates to provide liquidity across their large, medium and small suppliers in a scalable manner, which covers the financing of the end-to-end flows from purchase order to accepted sales invoice.

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How it works


  • Unlock new economic value by reducing Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
  • Extend Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)
  • Build supply-chain resilience and stability by injecting liquidity
  • Enhance visibility, control and planning of supply chains
  • Increase liquidity via bank-agnostic approach
  • Reduce financing & operating cost
  • Simplify onboarding & financing process
  • Straight-through-processing
  • Enhance efficiency and transparency

Explore the possibilities hidden
in your supply chain

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